With 0gms cabinet (BG), Catbox Contemporary (US), CLEA RSKY (MX/US), Clutch Gallery (US), Flasher! (BE), Frieren Room (DE), Kakabinet (BE), SINK (AT), Zum Goldenen Schnautz (BE) a.o.
No artist or curator starts at MOMA. Most cultural activities sprout in garages, flats, display cases or other available residual spaces... This phenomenon occurs all over the world and the initiators of these exhibition spaces possess a boundless imagination and explore the limits of what is possible. Be it in a freezer compartment or on a cat scratching post, no space proves too "impossible" to be declared an art space!
• Thursday 16.05, 18:00 - 21:00: Benny Van den Meulengracht-Vrancx will be flashing Flasher!
• Saturday 18.05, 12:00 - 18:00: Avant-garde make-up session, action by Sietske Van Aerde
• Saturday 18.05, 15:00 - 18:00: Opening Mima Schwahn in Zum Goldenen Schnautz and opening Heather Rowe in CLEA RSKY (in Lichtekooi)